Per favorire la concentrazione è indispensabile attivare il corpo. Negli ambienti teatrali lo si dice in maniera chiara: "Il corpo ha sempre ragione".
Provate questa tecnica: durante l'ascolto e la visione delle lezioni engVid, a ogni affermazione del docente annuite e pronunciate un'esclamazione del tipo "Ahh" (nel senso di "Però, interessante!" oppure "Ah, ora capisco!"). In questo modo risulterà più facile comprendere e memorizzare le nuove espressioni.
Proposte della settimana:
English color expressions to talk about situations & emotions
Learn English expressions that use colors like red, blue, pink, green, and white to talk about the way people feel or about situations people are in. These expressions are common and they also make your speech or writing more exciting and varied. I'll teach you expressions such as "tickled pink", "white as a sheet", "green with envy", "brown noser", and more. Do you know what the difference between "red in the face" and "blue in the face" is? I'll teach you, as well as review all the new vocabulary and expressions with practice sentences and lots of examples.
TO, ON, ABOUT: Prepositions of behavior in English
I know prepositions can be confusing and difficult for people learning English. Even people who have been learning English for many years and who have huge vocabularies and great grammar, still find it difficult to know when to use each preposition. One of the best ways to learn prepositions is to learn them in context. That means you learn the meaning of the preposition when it's used in a particular situation. Today, I am going to teach you about the prepositions "to", "on", and "about". We're going to focus on their usage with adjectives in sentences about behaviour -- that means the way someone acts. First we'll learn what these prepositions mean when talking about behaviour, then I'll teach you some common collocations that use these prepositions, and finally, we will test your understanding with some example sentences. Improve your grammar, comprehension, and English speaking confidence by watching this video.
Opzionale: lettura ad alta voce di un testo inglese (dieci minuti al giorno).
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